The job title of "stage hypnotist" is one of only a few occupations available for those wishing to practice pure hypnosis (the others being hypnosis trainer or hypnotherapist). It is also the job with the greatest level of controversy surrounding it - people pay a hypnotist to do inductions, induce hallucinations, and generally fool about with people's brains. Such shows can be extremely entertaining, extremely enlightening, but also extremely awkward.
There several reasons for these viewpoints. If we consider the general format of a stage hypnosis show, then they may become clearer:
The show usually starts with the hypnotist giving a brief introduction on the topic of hypnosis, inserting his or her pretalk as he sees fit. Often included in this introductory piece is a short suggestibility test, framed as "this is what hypnosis feels like". These tactics prime the audience not only to experience hypnosis, but also to view the hypnotist as the expert on the subject - a person to be trusted.
The next step is the hardest one - getting spectators onto the stage to be hypnotized. Many of the shows I have seen involve enormous numbers of people taken onstage at this time - as many as twenty chairs, Comedy Hypnosis Show plus a few more standing. At this point, the first elements of inductions are used, layered with more suggestibility tests. Using these, and the responses from the volunteers, the hypnotist can whittle down his selection until it contains only those who are going to have the most success with the hypnotic phenomena to come. Speaking of which...
The suggestions. Once the hypnotist has got a select number of subjects, they can then commence with the entertainment part of the show. The suggestions used can range in complexity from simply more inductions to full blown hallucinations. Usually, as the show progresses, the suggestions increase in entertainment value - catalepsy at the start, hallucinations towards the end. Another ploy often used is a post hypnotic suggestion attached to a verbal trigger - then, later on in the show, when the hypnotist activates the trigger "by accident", the subject enacts the suggestion - which may be as simple as leaping out of the chair.
The show continues, sometimes using music in addition to the suggestions to make a real dazzling display of sound and action. To end the show, the hypnotist removes all suggestions from the subjects (and sometimes all memory of the event) and sends them back to their seats. The act ends, and the hypnotist receives what is usually a standing ovation.
So let's discuss this. The appeal of a hypnosis show is a simple one - most people have never seen a hypnosis show before, and only have a vague grasp of what hypnosis is and what it can be used for. There is always a sense of anticipation and fear in the air!
An interesting point to remember is that it is also this way for the hypnotist. After all, there is no guarantee that the show will go well, or that any of the inductions or suggestions will work! All the hypnotist has to rely on is him or herself. It is therefore a challenge that not many hypnotists cans step up to - to appear confident when you are really terrified is no mean feat.
To some, however, the very idea of a stage hypnosis show is repellent. Such people often use the line of argument "I refuse to pay for a show which openly humiliates people" - and the sad fact is that in some cases this is not far from the truth. Some stage hypnotists blatantly use embarrassing suggestions, some of which can be genuinely upsetting for the subjects involved. The factor of humiliation is one that is not always considered by the stage hypnotist - or indeed by any performer.
That person, the subject you have chosen, has a self-image - that is, how he or she appears to the outside world. The world has its own image of that person - usually one that is not too different from the self-image. By humiliating that person, you can throw those two images out of balance, resulting in a loss of respect for that person by people who were once friends or underlings in a business. Such "ammunition", if you will, can split friendships and undermine business relationships. Is it worth a few cheap laughs?
If you wish to practice stage hypnosis, the above format will prove very useful for you when you design your own show. However, what I hope that all prospective hypnosis practitioners will gain from this article is the fact that we have a duty of care to our subjects. Just like in medicine, we should do no harm - physically, mentally, or socially.